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Magic Description Cards

This 138 Card deck is filled with hundreds of inspiring ways to describe the nuances of magic. Each card contains action words and examples to spark the imagination. The deck is organized into 17 individual schools of magic and printed on large 4.25"x 2.75"(Tarot-sized) cards.

The cards contain flavor text designed for Writers, Storytellers, and GMs (system neutral).

Broken down into: Blast Spells | Touch Spells | Area Spells | Magic Barriers | Spell Failures

Click below to zoom in

What are Vectors: Vectors are categories of magic or schools of magic, if you will. Vector are versatile Magic types that help accommodate multiple types of games and writing styles.

Here are the vectors included in this initial offering, in alphabetic order:

  • Air

  • Death

  • Demonic

  • Divine

  • Earth

  • Fire

  • Flesh

  • Force

  • Frost

  • Life

  • Lightning

  • Metal

  • Plant

  • Shadow

  • Sonic

  • Spirit

  • Water

Water Magic…

Life Magic…

The Divine…

Earth Magic…

Metal Magic…

Shadow Magic…

The Demonic…

Death Magic…

The Force…

Fire Magic…

Air Magic…

Ice Magic…

⚡Lightning Magic…

Plant Magic…

Spirit Magic…


What are Methods: Methods are common ways magic manifest itself in a world. The FIVE methods in this deck are:
Area, Blast, Touch, Barriers and Spell Failures.


Blast: These spells are your single target attacks, typically, your single target bolts, rays, and blasts. You'll find this useful for any type of direct one-and-done or fire-and-forget attack spell.


Touch: Touch spells are those more personal effects that come directly from contact with the spell caster to cause an effect.


Area: Area spells create powerful effects that cover multiple targets or affect a large part of the battlefield. So, these descriptions are perfect for larger spells.


Bariers: Forms of magic that creates defensive measures which can absorb, deflect or halt attacks. Bariers can also be used to divide.

Spell Failure

Magical Failure occurs when magical conditions or requirements are not fully met. Resulting in dangerous yet often funny events.

Conflict game sale Conflict PvP, Read Destroyer, Artifacts, Foci,Adventures, Descriptors,Nano,Resources,Gm,Vampires,Fairies,Werewolves

Created with the Kickstarter Community


Here’s our kickstarter Hype Video.

Thank you again to all of Kickstarter backers and your wonderful feedback.


Customer and Warehouse Photos

We are providing our users best Descriptions cards series base Games like Combat Descriptions cards at low price. It is very interesting to play with friends.

ohhh, Shiny!

Get a feel for the size and quality of the Magic Description Cards.

hobby store shipment

Stepping through the cards one at a time (warehouse video).

Buy these cards, We think you are going to ❤️love them.



Our press kit is chock-full of images and verbiage around Magic Descriptions Cards Kickstarter. We will update the press kit as the Kickstarter continues with more images and more information about the product and progress.